Cryptome DVDs are offered by Cryptome. Donate $25 for two DVDs of the Cryptome 12-and-a-half-years collection of 47,000 files from June 1996 to January 2009 (~6.9 GB). Click Paypal or mail check/MO made out to John Young, 251 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024. The collection includes all files of cryptome.org, cryptome.info, jya.com, cartome.org, eyeball-series.org and iraq-kill-maim.org, and 23,100 (updated) pages of counter-intelligence dossiers declassified by the US Army Information and Security Command, dating from 1945 to 1985.The DVDs will be sent anywhere worldwide without extra cost. |
For latest files on Payne and Morales see: http://nmol.com/users/billp/INDEX.HTM
Last Revised 19 July 1998
21 June 1997
These documents pertain to a suit by cryptographer William
H. Payne and Arthur R. Morales against the National Security Agency
(NSA) and related complaints by Payne against his former employer Sandia
National Laboratories (SNL or Sandia), US Department of Energy, and federal
officials. Sandia performs contract work for NSA, part of which involves
cryptographic systems for nuclear weapons controls.
Payne worked on classified cryptographic systems at Sandia. He is a noted scholar, scientist and author of cryptography and computer programming books and articles.* Morales is currently employed at Sandia. The documents describe Sandia's termination of Payne for alleged security violations, Payne's defense against the security violation charges, and Payne's counter-charges against Sandia and NSA of wrongful termination for criticizing NSA's cryptographic deficiencies and other cryptography-related misdeeds. |
Date |
Topic |
19 July 1998 | Plaintiffs Repond to Court of Appeals Orders, July 15, 1998 | http://jya.com/whp071598.htm |
7 July 1998 | 10th Court of Appeals Dockets, July 1, 1998 | http://jya.com/whp070198.txt |
30 June 1998 | Judge Campos Letter on Classified NSA Declaration, June 29, 1998 | http://jya.com/sec062998.htm |
30 June 1998 | Plaintiff's Response to Motion and Memo For Remand of First FOIA | http://jya.com/whp063098.htm |
30 June 1998 | Pilot Project on Electronic Court Filing, U.S. District Court of New Mexico | http://www.nmcourt.fed.us/dcdocs/sysdoc/pilot.htm |
30 June 1998 | Web Site, U.S. District Court, District of New Mexico | http://www.nmcourt.fed.us/dcdocs/ |
30 June 1998 | Web Site, U.S. 10th Circuit Court | http://www.ck10.uscourts.gov/circuit/10ca.html |
30 June 1998 | Web Site, U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library, Federal Court Decisions and Rules | http://law.house.gov/6.htm |
27 June 1998 | US Attorney on Classified NSA Declaration | http://jya.com/usa062698.htm |
27 June 1998 | US Attorney Motion and Memorandum for Remand of Plaintiff's First FOIA | http://jya.com/usa062298.htm |
815 June 1998 | U.S. Attorney's Demand for Plaintiffs' to Pay Attorneys' Fees | http://jya.com/usa061298.htm |
12 June 1998 | Morales Case Dockets, 10th Circuit Court of Appeals | http://jya.com/arm061298.htm |
12 June 1998 | Payne v NSA - Appeal of Order of April 30, 1998 | http://jya.com/whp061098.htm |
12 June 1998 | Payne v NSA - Appeal of Order of May 21, 1998 | http://jya.com/whp060998.htm |
30 May 1998 | Docket as of May 28, 1998 | http://jya.com/payne-v-nsa-nm.txt |
28 May 1998 | Plaintiff's Motion to Amend Judge's Order and Object to In Camera Ex Parte Meeting | http://jya.com/whp052898.htm |
28 May 1998 | Administrative Procedures Act (APA) 5 USC - Chapter 7 -- Judicial Review of Government Agencies | http://jya.com/5usc-chap7.htm |
27 May 1998 | National Security Agency Court Cases | http://jya.com/nsa-cases.htm |
23 May 1998 | Thirty Years Experience with the FOIA and Glomar Reponse | http://jya.com/glomar-foia.htm |
23 May 1998 | Docket as of May 22, 1998 | http://jya.com/whp052298.htm |
22 May 1998 | Judge's Memorandum Opinion and Order Denying Plaintiff's Motion to Amend | http://jya.com/whp052198.htm |
22 May 1998 | U.S. Attorney letter to Judge Campos on procedure to review classified material | http://jya.com/usa052098.htm |
9 May 1998 | Michael Froomkin on Plaintiffs' Motion to Amend Judge's Memorandum Opinion and Order | http://jya.com/mf050998.htm |
9 May 1998 | Plaintiffs' Motion to Amend Judge's Memorandum Opinion and Order | http://jya.com/whp050898.htm |
5 May 1998 | United States Court of Appeals, 10th Circuit, Docket sheets for Cases No. 94-2205 and No. 97-2233 | http://jya.com/whp-10usca.htm |
4 May 1998 | Judge's Memorandum Opinion and Order | http://jya.com/whp043098.htm |
8 April 1998 | Greene v. McElroy | http://jya.com/greene.htm |
15 February 1998 | RSA and Sandia National Laboratories | http://jya.com/whp021598.htm |
28 January 1998 | Judge's Order to Strike Plaintiff's First Set of Requests for Admissions to Various Employees of the National Security Agency and to Various Employees of Sandia National Laboratory | http://jya.com/whp012898.htm |
23 January 1998 | Plaintiffs' Reply to Defendant's Response to Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment Based on Evidence From Admissions | http://jya.com/whp012398.htm |
16 January 1998 | Defendant's Response to Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment Based on Evidence From Admissions | http://jya.com/nsasuit8.htm |
23 December 1997 | Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment Based on Evidence from Admissions | http://jya.com/whp122397.htm |
28 November 1997 | Plaintiffs' Answer to Defendant's Cross-Claim Reply to Plaintiffs' Response to Defendants' Motion for Partial Dismissal and Motion for Summary Judgment | http://jya.com/whp112897.htm |
19 October 1997 | USA/NSA Motions for Partial Dismissal and Summary Judgment | http://jya.com/nsasuit7.htm |
29 August 1997 | Payne Privacy Act Appeal Granted by DOE (see related files) | http://jya.com/whp-paa.htm |
16 August 1997 | Payne-Morales Writ of Mandamus Against US District Court Judges Svet and Campos | http://jya.com/whp-usca10.htm |
21 June 1997 | NSA Suit - Motions and Scheduling Order | http://jya.com/nsasuit6.htm |
4 June 1997 | Complaints to Supreme Justice Scalia | http://www.jya.com/whpscalia.htm |
4 June 1997 | U.S. Attorney Warns Payne | http://jya.com/whprjg.htm |
1 June 1997 | Data Authenticator for the Deployable Seismic Verification System | http://jya.com/da/whpda.htm |
1 June 1997 | Secret Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreement | http://jya.com/scinda.htm |
31 May 1997 | Embedded Controller Forth for the 8051 Family | http://jya.com/f86/whpf86.htm |
29 May 29 1997 | Notification to Secretary of Energy Pena | http://jya.com/whppena.htm |
16 May 1997 | Payne on RSA and NSA | http://jya.com/whprsa.htm |
13 May 1997 | Payne Accuses Sandia Labs Director | http://jya.com/snlhit.htm |
11 May 1997 | NSA Suit - Initial Scheduling Order | http://jya.com/nsasuit5.htm |
21 April 1997 | NSA Suit - SNL Affidavits/Letters on Classified Data | http://jya.com/nsasuit4.htm |
12 April 1997 | NSA Suit - Answers from NSA | http://jya.com/nsasuit3.htm |
14 March 1997 | Payne Letter to the FBI | http://jya.com/whp2.htm |
8 March 1997 | News Report on NSA and Crypto AG | http://jya.com/nsa-sun.htm |
8 March 1997 | News Reports on NSA Suit | http://jya.com/whp1.htm |
8 March 1997 | NSA Suit - FOIA Appeal | http://jya.com/nsasuit2.txt |
8 March 1997 | NSA Suit - Complaint for Injunctive Relief | http://jya.com/nsasuit.txt |
Following are Department of Energy decisions and orders on William H. Payne's appeals of actions on his requests for information. | ||
20 February 1997 | Case No. VFA-0262, 26 DOE ¶ 80,161 | http://www.oha.doe.gov/cases/foia/vfa0262.htm |
16 December 1996 | Case No. VFA-0243, 26 DOE ¶ 80,144 | http://www.oha.doe.gov/cases/foia/vfa0243.htm |
10 July 1996 | Case No. VFA-0178, 25 DOE ¶ 80,214 | http://www.oha.doe.gov/cases/foia/vfa0178.htm |
6 May 1996 | Case No. VFA-0148, 25 DOE ¶ 80,190 | http://www.oha.doe.gov/cases/foia/vfa0148.htm |
26 March 1996 | Case No. VFA-0128, 25 DOE ¶ 80,184 | http://www.oha.doe.gov/cases/foia/vfa0128.htm |
8 November 1995 | Case No. VFA-0091, 25 DOE ¶ 80,147 | http://www.oha.doe.gov/cases/foia/VFA0091.HTM |
10 October 1995 | Case No. VFA-0076, 25 DOE ¶ 80,140 | http://www.oha.doe.gov/cases/foia/VFA0076.HTM |
* Selected Works of William H. Payne Payne, William H., Data Authenticator for the Deployable Seismic Verification System, Sandia Report SAND91-2201, UC-706, Sandia National Laboartories, June 1992. Payne, William H., Embedded Controller FORTH For the 8051 Family, Academic Press, Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich, 1990. Payne, William, and Payne, Patricia, Implementing Basics: How BASICs Work, Reston Publishing, Reston, Virginia, 1982. Payne, W.H., and McMillen, K.L., Orderly Enumeration of Nonsingular Binary Matrices Applied to Text Encryption, Communciations of the ACM, vol. 21, 4 (April 1978), 259-263. Lewis, T.G., and Payne, W.H., Generalized Feedback Shift Register Pseudorandom Number Generator, Journal of the ACM 20, 3 (July 1973), 456-468.